Hempstead City Hall: 1125 Austin Street || Hempstead, TX 77445 || Phone: (979) 826-2486 || Fax: (979) 826-6703

Public Information Request

Public Information Request

The City Secretary’s office is responsible for the care and maintenance of all City records.  These records include all City Council minutes, agendas, ordinances, resolutions, deeds, easements, plats, contracts and historical information. The City Secretary is designated as the City’s Records Management Officer by City Ordinance. This designation makes her responsible for developing and administering a records retention and destruction policy, monitoring the records storage area and overseeing the control of electronically stored records. In addition to these responsibilities, the City Secretary responds to numerous requests for City records filed each year under the Texas Public Information Act.  Please click the link below to start your request.  


Have additional questions? Call 979-826-2486

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To Hempstead

The City of Hempstead is located 50 miles west of Downtown Houston, Texas and also located near strong academic institutions such as Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M University, and Blinn College. While visiting the City of Hempstead, do not hesitate to stop and enjoy a mixture of the foods from Italian to Bar-B-Que. Be sure and try one of our really sweet and juicy watermelons, very sure to please! We look forward to you visiting our City.

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